((Green Agenda – PowerPlastics Pool Covers))
In a water-scarce country such as South Africa, PowerPlastics Pool Covers is consciously contributing to sustainability by helping pool owners make greener choices that result in pools that are not just safe and stylish, but eco-smart too.
The global need to adopt new and sustainable energy sources remains critical, and the past two years have seen a marked increase in local awareness around the profound benefits associated with pool covers. The PowerPlastics Pool Covers range is designed specifically to maximise efficiencies in terms of conserving natural resources, namely water and power, says company managing director Andrew Crafford.
“Pool covers reduce evaporation by as much as 98%, virtually eliminating the need for pool owners to top up water levels,” he adds, pointing out that without them, pools can lose more than 100 litres of water to evaporation every day during the hot summers.
- What is your company’s core business?
“We are South Africa’s oldest pool cover manufacturer, and so have earned our stripes in the market, so to speak. Our insightful approach to product development, especially in respect of sustainability, means that our offerings are always innovative and reflect the latest available global technological advancements. We have a deep understanding of both sustainability and safety, and how both can be prioritised in terms of product development.”
- What does the science say about the benefits of covering your pool?
“In short, the science illustrates that using a pool cover creates an eco-friendly pool by reducing evaporation and pump use, and minimising chemical consumption.”
- What do you have to say to people who complain about the expense of covering their pools?
“It’s been proven that the water saving costs associated with installing a pool cover will see pool owners recoup their outlay in as short as seven to nine months. But covering your pool also saves electricity because you’ll run your pump far less often.”
- How innovative have pool covers actually become?
“Our EnergyGuard GeoBubble cover, for example, is one of the most innovative thermal pool covers to date. By inhibiting light entry into the pool, it reduces algae build-up and so also the need for filtration. But it also heats the water naturally by up to 7DegC. Owners see reductions of up to 50% in power consumption which, given the ongoing power crisis in South Africa, is a significant saving.”
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