The South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) was established in 2011 under the National Energy Act No. 34 of 2008. The Act provides for SANEDI to direct, monitor, conduct and promote energy research, development and technology innovation. It also enables them to undertake measures to foster energy efficiency throughout the economy.
SANEDI’s focus is to develop innovative, integrated, clean energy and resource efficient solutions to catalyse growth and prosperity. As technologies develop and mature, opportunities for meaningful innovative energy solutions are critical for improving energy access and minimising the country’s carbon footprint.
The institute operates in a global context shaped by several megatrends including climate change, urbanisation, demographic shifts, Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and growing inequalities. We have shaped programmes of action and have adopted three themes to strengthen and drive our mandate. These are: Climate Change and Decarbonisation, Service Delivery within the Municipal Environment, and Information Knowledge (Data and Knowledge Management) and Technological Convergence.
“SANEDI’s energy development agenda is a key part of our country’s energy journey. Its portfolio of initiatives are closely attuned to technology advancements, associated declining costs and continued innovation in the energy sector. As a whole, these allow South Africa to take full advantage of our energy resources and the accompanying infrastructure as a vehicle for economic growth, industrialisation, employment creation and sustainable development.”
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